Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A farmer discovered a simple predator to Asian Hornet!

The Asian Hornet (Asian Wasp, Vespa velutina) is a predator for bees.
A french farmer found an easy and common predator for the Asian Hornet: the young chicken.
Chickens, very fond of protein, are formidable predators for the Asian Hornet (also called yellow-legged hornet). Installing the apiary in a poultry house or vice versa still makes possible beekeeping.
Although the chicken eats a few bees, those which are sick, clumsy, which fell on the ground, or some dying larvae, etc ...
But it appears that the chicken eats all the Asian Hornet standing in front of the hive. The Asian hornet is not aggressive towards chicken, but bees are. And chickens usually know that there is danger with bees but not with Asian Hornet. Therefore it stands at a safe distance. Moreover, the Asian Hornet is slower and louder than bees and way more preferred to the bees.
Try yourself!
Video on youtube:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What is your favorite survivalist movie?

We got some requests from visitors and members about what are the best movies about survivalism or survival in the wilderness.
Therefore we started a poll on our facebook page. Please feel free to give your opinion and vote for the movies you consider the best with a topic or aspect of survivalism:
Vote for your favorite movie in survivalism (on our facebook page here)
Vote for your favorite movie in survivalism?
(on our facebook page here)

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Vintage Relaxing Fire In The Forest For A Chilly Night Of Survival In The Wild

This week, BushcraftUC presents A Vintage Relaxing Camp Fire In The Forest. How to prepare and make a good, safe, easy fire in the wild. Camp fire is important to survive in the wilderness, so BushcraftUC gives you some advice about how to start a fire with tinder, matches and after the fire triangle. Night fire is also a great way to make relaxation or meditation, especially on a vintage music of John Steel from 1919.
You can also send us your works to be published next weeks. 

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